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Transcription: [00:19:42]
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
--what were the rockets like, how far can you use them, what can you do with them. And we had even started our second stage for the V-2 at Fort Bliss.

Uh, but it never came to bear, because after two years, you know, then, or three years, it finally was decided, no, the United states will go into the rocket business too, and we would stay there.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Did you - So you went without any real intention of going on a permanent basis.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
No, not at all. Not at all. I was fairly convinced after two years latest we would be back.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mm-hmm. Umm--

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
But that was a personal opinion and everybody had a different opinion about that. But we all were convinced we won't stay there, we will go back.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Yeah. I'm not sure what von Braun thought, if that's true of him, but I got the impression that not everybody, would I mean, I'm sure there was a lot of question whether you would be able to stay.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
It seems like some people thought maybe they would want to start rocket development business in the United states.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Yeah definitely [[cross talk]] I'm pretty sure, knowing von Braun, that uh he would like to stay in the United states and start again in the rocket business.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
You know, that was his hobby.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
There's no question.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
It wasn't just something that you had done during the war. It wasn't something he had done during the war, it was his life.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
He had quite, he had quite openly mentioned, it is a shame that we have to use it for war purposes, but it seems that to get further into development, we need to do it.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Do you remember him specifically saying that?

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
At Peenemunde. When did he say that? You think?

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Uh, he mentioned that repeatedly, and I heard him say that, I think that was in '43. And I don't know if anyone told you that, you know, von Braun, Hitler was not convinced of the V-2, and since the war changed a little bit,