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each other. O Sono is overcome with joy and thankfulness at finding her betrothed again (the contrast between her former self-sufficiancy and her new complete reliance upon her lover is the high-light of the play). While she is telling him her adventures, the woodman, Onoemon, comes in, bringing with him the corpse of his poor old mother who has been brutally murdered. Rokusuke recognizes it as that of the "sick mother" of the man calling himself Mijin Danjo. He realizes how he has been tricked and he and O Sono soon deduce that this must in reality be Takumi, the enemy they both seek. Rokusuke tells O Sono that Yasamatsu is safe, he himself found him wandering about lost and took care of him. O Sono's mother enters and in her presence O Sono and Rokusuke celebrate their marriage. Rokusuke then goes forth to find the wicked Takumi and revenge the murder of his father and sister-in-law. 


Written specially for this programme by Kinoshita Junji,

Main Characters                         Actors
   Toroku                               Shoroku
   Grand mother                         Kikujuro
   Village-bully                        Sadanji

A poor country lad named Toroku was famous for his devotion to his old grandmother. The twenty-second day of the lunar calendar is a holy day and upon this day Toroku appeared at the village temple carrying his grandmother on his back. While the old lady attended the service, Toroku went off to do an errand. When the service was over the priest and the congregation gathered to sing and enjoy themselves. Suddenly the village bully broke in upon the party, threatening and terrifying the ccrowd, which quickly dispersed. Only the old grandmother remained, waiting for Toroku to return. Evening fell and the bully, who was a coward at heart, became afraid of the ghosts and spirits who might dwell in the temple pricincts. When Toroku appeared, he forced the youth and his grandmother to spend the night with him. The grandmother also became very nervous at sleeping in so strange a place. The rushing of the neighbouring river frightened her and ten times during the night she sent Toroku out to see if all was well. The bully was so touched and shamed by Toroku's good tempered devotion to the old lady that he determined to reform and next morning sent them upon their way with a blessing.


Character                      actor
   Wistara maiden             Baiko

This dance, called "The Wistaria Maiden", is one of a very popular type which gives expression to the common people's desire to see themselves idealized on the stage. "Fuji Musume" was originally taken from a popular colour print of the Genroku period. The dance has no plot being simply the portrait in dancing of a young girl in love with the springtime.
