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[[Newspaper clipping]]
TIMES ^[[Dec. 22, 1954]] [[a string of Japanese characters]]
[[double line]]
[[image – in front of a large window with Venetian blinds with a festive wreath in between two blinds stand five people in dark formal or semi-formal clothing: two women and four men]]
[[caption]] Brig. General and Mrs. B. O. Davis, Jr. gave a farewell party at the Pershing Heights Officers' Open Mess Friday evening in honor of Colonel and Mrs. John L. Weber. Left to right: Mrs. Weber, Colonel Weber, Maj. General J. E. Smart, Mrs. Davis, General Davis, Jr., and Captain P. C. Doran [[/caption]]

[[text cut off]] en's Club Luncheon

of international Christmas carols was beautifully presented by the Shinanomachi Student Choir under the direction of Mr. Pierce Getz, United Church of Christ of Japan.
*   *   *

General and Mrs. Davis Hosts at Cocktails

Brig. General and Mrs. B. O. Davis, Jr. gave a farewell cocktail party in honor of Colonel and Mrs. John L. Weber Friday evening at the Pershing Heights Officers' Open Mess.

Friends bidding the Webers "Sayonara" were: Maj. General J. E. Smart, Colonel and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, Colonel J. M. Chappel, Colonel and Mrs. E. E. Snyder, Jr., Lt. Colonel and Mrs. E. H. Taylor, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. D. J. McKinnon, Lt. Colonel J. M. Turner, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. H. M. Davis, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. W. W. Short, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. D. E. Songer, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. C. C. Knudson, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. C. V. Burns, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. R. E. Cole, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. E. C. Gleed, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. R. R. Evens, Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Kowalski, Lt. Colonel R. B. Woodruff, Jr., Major and Mrs. H. C. Ekram, Major and Mrs. G. B. Overby, Major and Mrs. M. V. Wilson, Major and Mrs. E. J. Moses, Major R. B. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Johnson, Captain P. Paylan, Captain P. C. Doran, Captain and Mrs. H. E. Marsh, Lt. and Mrs. D. E. Hovey, Lt. R. W. Halla, Mrs. J. W. Jackson and Mrs. James Waygood.