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SEPTEMBER 1955  15

Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Workers) has some 1,500,000 members.

Besides the professional connections mentioned, Breech has been a director of Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc., of Pan-American Airways, and of Western Air Express. He was a member of the Anglo-American Productivity Council which functioned under the European Cooperation Administration. From 1942 until 1945 he was chairman of Detroit's Central Aircraft Council. He received in 1953 the Annual Brotherhood Award given by the National Conference of Christians and Jews in recognition of "his continuing efforts toward the furtherance of understanding and friendship among those who have different religious beliefs."

Drury College, of which he is a trustee, has conferred upon him an honorary LL.D. degree. In March 1955 he was named to an eight-member panel formed "to study all phases of the impact of peaceful applications of atomic energy in the United States." Breech is a member of the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants and of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He is a Mason, and belongs to the Bloomfield Hills Country Club of Birmingham, Michigan, and to the Recess, Athletic, Detroit, and Economic clubs of Detroit. He married Thelma Rowden on November 11, 1917; the Breeches have two sons—Ernest Robert and William Howard. Breech is a Protestant.

A writer for the New York Times (October 4, 1953) noted that "Breech, for all those brain cells lined up in his head like the buttons on a calculator, knows how to get away from it all and to have fun. He can find time to fish from a rowboat as well as from his cabin cruiser on the Great Lakes. . . . He is something of a raconteur and his associates particularly delight in his use of dialects." Business Week described him as "small-statured, energetic, decisive in making his viewpoints known."

Breech defined the character of management in an article he contributed to Look (April 10, 1951) entitled "America's Secret Weapon." "Management, first of all," he wrote, "is a matter of spirit——a feeling of resourcefulness and responsibility and enthusiasm for always doing things better. Second, it is people——the millions of Americans who share in the direction of our unsurpassed production machinery. Put them together, and America's secret weapon comes out as the free-wheeling ingenuity and competitive drive of free men, constantly needled by the urge to beat others at the job of providing better things and services and more of them."

On July 11, 1955 the Ford Motor Company announced that it is making seat belts available to their dealers since the engineering staff learned in full-scale car-crash tests that less injuries result to drivers when held behind the steering wheel.

Bsns W  p36 My 25 '46 por
Christian Sci Mon p14 Ja 29 '55 por
Fortune 41:15 Ap '50 por
Life 38:90+ F28 '55 por


Look 15:108 Ap 10 '51 por;  17:49+ Je 30 '52 por
N Y Herald Tribune II pl Ja 30 '55 por
N Y Times p26 My 17 '46 por;  III p3 O 4 '53 por;  p33+ Ja 26 '55 por
Newsweek 27:73+ My 27 '46 por
Read Digest 67:41+ Jl '55
Time 39:78 Mr 9 '42 por;  47:83+ My 27 '46 por
Who's Who in America, 1954-55
Who's Who in Commerce and Industry (1953)
World Biography (1954)

Aug. 15, 1892- French physicist; university professor
Address: b. Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre Curie, Paris Ve, France; h. 94 rue Perronet, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Much of present-day research in atomic physics has been made possible by the considerations of theoretical physics conducted by Prince Louis de Broglie, a counselor of the French High Commission on Atomic Energy and Nobel Prizewinner. Under his sponsorship, a paper warning of the dangers of further hydrogen bomb explosions was read before the Académie des Sciences of France in November 1954. The Christian Century (December 15, 1954) noted: "Prince Louis de Broglie, secretary of the French Académie des Sciences...writes in the academy's review that enough hydrogen bombs have already been exploded to create deadly dangers for the world's animal and plant life. He declares that the physical phenomena already produced outstrip the capability of scientists to calculate their ultimate efforts."
In 1923 de Broglie discovered the wave nature of the electron which gave a new and unexpected direction to research quantum theory. For this, he was awarded to Nobel Prize in Physics in 1929. He has the distinction of being made a member of both the Académie Française and the Académie des Sciences. De Broglie's work laid the foundations on which Schrödinger, Dirac, and others constructed the new system of wave mechanics which has proved so successful in dealing with problems of atomic physics.
The son of Victor, Prince de Broglie, and of the former Pauline d'Armaillé, Louis Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie was born on August 15, 1892 in Dieppe, France. His grandfather, Jacques Victor Albert de Broglie, was Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1873 to 1874. His great-grandfather fought in the American Revolutionary War as chief lieutenant to the Marquis de Lafayette. The de Broglie family originated in Italy and founded the French branch in Normandy before the eighteenth century. The title Duc is held by the head of the family, while younger brothers are designated as Prince. Louis' elder brother, Maurice, who succeeded to the title upon the death of his father in 1906, is known for his