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Transcription: [00:08:44]
[[noises of birds and outdoors]]
{SPEAKER name="Wolfgang Salb"}
Anytime we came into their nest territory, they would attack us. Mostly the female would be more aggressive. And when she strikes you she usually sticks her feet out and what they do is they rake you with their talons. Fortunately we wore motorcycle helmets for protection.

{SPEAKER name="Denise Freeland"}
Although the eagle was thought to be nearly extinct, Mr. Rettig now estimates the population at between three and five hundred.

{SPEAKER name="Neil Rettig"}
One of our most exciting discoveries was that the fact that the eagle is still found on the island of Samar. Uh, Samar is the one of the four major islands and it was thought to be extinct, and we discovered it rediscovered it on that island so that boosts the population.

{SPEAKER name="Denise Freeland"}
Neil Rettig and Wolfgang Salb came to talk about their research at the Smithsonian. Their small non-profit company based in Chicago is called Films and Research for an Endangered Environment. Reporting from the Smithsonian Institution, I'm Denise Freeland.
[[Galaxy theme music]]


