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Transcription: [00:05:10]
{SPEAKER name="Jan Dilap"}[Jan de Lap]
moved here to go to Gallaudet and presently I'm working at the Washington Post as a printer.

{SPEAKER name="Libby Hatway"}[Hathaway]
My name is Libby Hatway [Hathaway]. From uh in Maryland. Both my parents are deaf. I graduated from the Maryland school for the deaf in Frederick, Maryland. And I've done some various odd jobs such as teaching sign language, part time actress, working for restaurants... Presently I'm working for Studio 101.

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore"}
My name is Dick Moore. I've lived here for 10 years.

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore"}
My original hometown is in Kentucky. My parents are deaf also. I work for the Washington Post as a printer.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
I'd like for you to tell about your school experiences - what school did you go to? Was it a residential school? Day school? I forgot that, right.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
I went to an oral school, but uh, used sign language at home. The school I had to be very patient and try to use the oral method that was in New York.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
What about you Dick?

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore"}
My school in Kentucky was a Kentucky school for the deaf. And I lived in and at the school most of the time. My school was almost like a military academy. It was a wonderful experience.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Alright, the audience might like to know about your experiences in deaf clubs. Can you explain to us what it looks like inside the deaf club? Can you tell us something?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Something famous you know they always have a stairs going up to the second floor. The clubs are always on the second floor. I like to say that um, you see the performance from tales of a club room that would explain everything. Yes why don't you explain it a little bit something?

The four of us here that were in that play... oh not me
