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Transcription: [00:12:11]

{SPEAKER name="Unknown 1"}
Thank you

{SPEAKER name="Lily Burke"}

What am I supposed to do bow?
Am I supposed to Bow?

{SPEAKER name="Unknown 1"}
I think you can ignore them.
Lily, did you have something you wanted to add?

{SPEAKER name="Lily Burke"}
All my life, I had no problems communicating at my home because my family was all deaf as I said before and we'd just all talk all my life.

Just signing all the time.
My grandmother can speak. She knows my voice so I can talk back to her

and in school, until I got married.

My first husbands family was deaf, no problems.

Then my second husband his family was all hearing.

And I joined a hearing family, it was very interesting. Communication was different.

My mother in law speaks very clearly.

And later on, a few years later I realized she refused to learn signs.

She thought signs were terrible.

And I became very impatient as I grew older. Talking to her, and I just got bored and tired of it.

So, as my daughter was growing up, she would be interpreting for us. My mother in law speaks and so my daughter would sign and be our in between.

And then I met a lot of frustrations communicating with them.

My mother in law really didn't understand how we felt.

The family would come and they'd be talking important and I'd be looking around and I didn't have any idea what they were saying so I would have to ask my daughter to interpret.
They'd never really shared with us, they didn't realize my family I had no problems with that.

I have four children, 2 deaf and 2 hearing.

The two hearing grew up signing.
My older boy he's - he's sloppily signs but you know how boys are.

My last girl, she signs sloppy but her signs now she's good, no problems at home.

But one time on Thanksgiving Day at night, the whole family got together and I was looking around,
and we were all sharing communication and it was beautiful.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown 1"}
Thank you.

Stephie? You have a hearing sister, right?

Transcription Notes:
Not sure who the interviewer is, labeled her as "Unknown 1"