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Transcription: [00:37:11]
{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
I don't, didn't feel a limitation as I did with my parents but in some ways I could communicate with my parents but not like I can with deaf or hearing people who know sign language.

One more question did I see?

[[inaudible question from audience]]

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
I didn't get your question.

[[inaudible question from audience]]

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
It would be alright if you didn't have neighbors close by to complain.

You know, turn up your hearing aid.

It has a volume control on the hearing aid, so you can turn that one up but not the television volume. My mother happened to be stone deaf so she never needed to turn the volume up.

That's something else. Some deaf people don't understand words. If you use, you know, a high volume for example I have a powerful hearing aid but I don't understand the words but I hear all the sounds but I don't know what they all mean.

I would like to have your help in thanking these participants here.


{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
I'd like to add one sentence about the hearing aid.

Like some schools force children to use hearing aids. Like forcing blind people to use glasses you know it's kind of the same idea.

If you have some hearing fine use your hearing aid. But if you can't hear the speech at all then don't force them, like you wouldn't force blind people to use eye glasses.

I got this idea from an old friend and I really agree with that as I grew up, they said you, you know. They gave me this quote.

{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Libby says I have something to add to that, when I was a little girl I was always picking on my grandmother to buy me a hearing aid, I was 6 years old until maybe I was about 9

and then I realized and recognized different kinds of sounds and then I couldn't stand to use if after a while because it gave me a headache every day.

You could hear everything like combing your hair, putting the brush down, turning the water on the faucet.

The drawers on the chest of drawers. I stopped using it. Months and months went by and principal decided to call me in the office and asked why aren't you using your hearing aid and I said because I can't stand to use it. It gives me a headache every day.

Well you must use your hearing aid or I will send you to an oral school. So I said I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So I put it on my, after a year or so I ignored it and refused to use it, period, until today I still don't use a hearing aid.