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Transcription: [00:40:07]
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Said you could have turned the volume off add used it, ohh, but I get him in the ear or something.

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
We gotta hold this, time's up. I'd like to make an announcement.

Those who'd like to learn American Sign Language, there's going on in that small tent at 12:45.

You can see different models of alarm clocks and show how the deaf people get up every morning to go to work.

You see the different kinds of devices they used to have. We have another program in another area over here called The Listening— Through the Listening Horn.
Good for deaf and hearing children. Where they uh, they'll use telecommunication there beginning to use, beginning to use sign language and talking at the same time.

Any of you who know deaf-blind friends we'll provide interpreters for the deaf-blind this weekend.

If so please contact our staff member named Jo Radner. She has a telephone number 244-6367. Again 244-6367.

Let us know in advance, we'll provide that interpreter for deaf-blind tomorrow.

Final announcement, we will have another program here in this tent called traditions, folklore for the deaf, of deaf theater. At 12 o'clock.


Oh yes thank you.

Let me add one more?

Please share with us by telling your deaf jokes, stories, personal experiences and things like that.

go over to this, the end of the tent right over there, where were collecting, the collecting area.

We have video tape equipment for our deaf visitors who can share with us