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Transcription: [00:07:56]
{SPEAKER name="Steve Jones"}
The noise, the music hurt her ears so much she had to go in the bathroom and put wet toilet paper in her ears. To block off the noise.

That's really the first impression that a hearing person has when he goes in is really how noisy it is, and then of course between records it's completely silent.
But the conversation never stops, because the music doesn't interfere with deaf communication, with sign communication.


{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}


{SPEAKER name="Jan De Lap/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
From watching Steve talk, I would say, the loud music is a good equalizer for everyone, even hearing people.

But I think that deaf people communicate better using signs and their eyes than hearing people. They're stuck trying to holler to, to be able to hear when there's a noise pollution.

Alright, my experience with deaf clubs goes way back when I was very young. My mother is deaf, and often she would bring me to the club.

There I'd talk with different kinds of deaf people, and I'd get a lot of different advices from them of course. Be a good girl, you have a nice dress on, and so forth.

It's a common experience among deaf clubs that you have to climb the stairs. Usually a deaf club is on the second floor, maybe the first floor will be a commercial, uh, business or whatever.

Some states have their own deaf club building. The deaf themselves earned the money and bought the building.

and it takes a great deal of pride, they take a great deal of pride in their clubhouse. What it looks like inside, uh, seems to be very common all over in many clubs