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Archives.  There will be a brief, formal presentation of the documents at Dulles followed by a dinner at the Air and Space Museum in honor of the Concorde.

The documents will be displayed with explanatory labels and a bilingual brochure in the rotunda of the Arts & Industries Building from May 3 until the end of October.  There will be a reception on May 2 that the Ambassador of France will attend to celebrate Franco-American relations and political and philosophical roots we share in common.

Other Smithsonian events related to the French Bicentennial include the Cooper-Hewitt's major exhibition, [[underlined]] L'Art de Vivre [[/underlined]]; an international symposium on the [[underlined]] Rights of Man [[/underlined]]; and various Resident Associate Program offerings, including a lecture in conjunction with Bastille Day, a film series co-organized with the French Embassy, and a two-evening colloquium in May on the impact of the French Revolution from an international perspective.

[[underlined]] The Smithsonian Joins the National Hispanic Media Conference [[/underlined]]

For the third consecutive year, the Smithsonian will be represented at the Annual National Hispanic Media Conference & Expo.  Held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 19-22, the conference is expected to attract about 1,500 professional media participants.  Cosponsored by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Publications, and the Hispanic Academy of Media Arts and Sciences, it has become one of the major meetings for Hispanics working in all areas of English-language and Spanish-language media.

Secretary Adams will be a banquet speaker at the conference, along with the Honorable Rafael Hernandez Colon, the Governor of Puerto Rico.  The Secretary's speech, to be delivered on April 20, will focus on the Smithsonian's commitment to enhance the representation of the history and culture of peoples of Hispanic heritage through the pan-Institutional programs for the Quincentenary commemoration and the various existing Smithsonian programs and museums.  The Institution will also sponsor an informal reception for attendees on April 20, staff a booth in the exposition area, and take a full-page ad in the conference brochure.

[[underlined]] Global Change Forum [[/underlined]]

In the pattern of the successful [[underlined]] National Forum on Biological Diversity [[/underlined]], the Smithsonian and the National Academy of Sciences are collaborating on the [[underlined]] Forum on Global Change and Our Common Future [[/underlined]] to be held on May 2 and 3, 1989.  The Forum provides a timely opportunity for discussion of pressing environmental issues among distinguished experts, policymakers, and the general public.  The Forum will consider changes in climate, disruption of natural ecosystems, human demography and resource needs, as well as public policy responses to perceived problems.  The keynote lecture will be delivered by Mme Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway and Chair of the United National World Commission on the Environment.  Sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, the Smithsonian Institution in cooperation with the U.S. National Committee on Man and the Biosphere, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Sigma Xi, the Forum will be free of charge and open to the general public with advanced registration.