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IDENTICAL LETTER TO THE FOLLOWING REGENTS: The Chancellor, the Vice President, Senators Garn, Moynihan and Sasser, Reps. Conte, Mineta and Whitten, Mmes. Armstrong and Clark, Dr. Bowen, Judge Higginbotham, Mr. Johnson and Mr. McHenry

cc: Mr. Acheson (w/o enclosure)

April 7, 1989


Dear ^F4^:

Enclosed is a copy of a letter I sent last week to David Acheson, together with documents pertaining to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution. You will recall that the Memorandum was accepted in principle at the meeting of the Board of Regents on January 30, 1989.

David has asked me to share this material with you and to ask for your comments and questions, if any, not later than April 20. Senator Inouye has scheduled a hearing on the proposal to create the National Museum of the American Indian and, if legislation is to be introduced and acted upon in a timely manner, the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents should authorize execution of the agreement and approve the draft bill at its meeting on April 27. The only addendum to the information contained in my letter to David is that the schedules have now arrived and are being reviewed by the staff.

The negotiations that have led to this agreement have not been easy, and it is certainly possible that further modifications might have to be considered as a result of actions that will be taken by the Congress. Nonetheless, the agreement represents as reasonable a compromise as could be reached of the needs and interests of the parties to those negotiations. And it would succeed in realizing the inherent opportunity to establish an extraordinary national institution well in keeping with Mr. Smithson's ancient mandate.

With best personal regards.


Robert McC. Adams
