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indigenous people of North, South, and Central America, including objects of artistic, historic, literary, and scientific interest;

B. to advance the study of anthropology, particularly in connection with that of the indigenous people of the Americas, and the study of their languages, literature, history, art, and life;

C. to advance programs of research and study; and 

D. to provide means for carrying on this work in the District of Columbia, the State of New York and elsewhere as may be appropriate.

[[underlined]] Second [[/underlined]]. The transfer of the Heye Foundation and the obligation of the Institution to proceed as contemplated herein are conditioned on:

A. the Board of Trustees of the Heye Foundation receiving final approval from the Courts of New York to carry out such transfer on terms and conditions which if different than those set forth herein shall have been agreed to in writing by the Institution and

B. the Congress of the United States adopting and the President of the United States approving legislation to the following effect:

(1) There is established within the Institution the National Museum of the American Indian (hereinafter 

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