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1/ Assumes planning/coordination team would remain intact through approximately FY 1992. Some of these costs would then be subsumed within MAI annual operating expenses. See Attachment A for detail of the projected costs of program planning/coordination/central administration.

2/ Assumes work would occur on a rising curve over a ten year period based upon rough estimates by the SI Registrar. Estimates include funds to provide either:

- trailer type buildings, a pre-fab storage/preparations building, and a sea-container for a fumigation chamber to be used on-site at the Bronx building for a phased move process; or

- rental funds for a nearby facility for the initial collection preparation and move.

Amount included for these purposes is $360,000 per year. Providing on-site work/storage space eliminates the need to move the collection twice.

3/ Maintenance and security costs are based on MAI historical data from 1986 and inflated to FY 1989 at 8% per year for the Broadway, Library, and Research Branch facilities. The figures also contain added security costs ($200,000; 10 guards) during the transition for all facilities, including the possible rental space for readying the collections.

4/ FY 1989 figures based on MAI historical personnel data from FY 1986 and inflated to FY 1989 at 5% per year, including benefits. No effort has been made to show how these costs relate to, or are eventually absorbed into, the overall program and building services estimates. There is no precise way at the moment to predict how or when payroll costs will be absorbed.

5/ These costs are part of the overall MAI program operations and will have a carry over effect into operating budget. They are included as administrative costs in the $19 million program operations figure appearing in Table 1.