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fund-raising; approval of expenditures from the museum's endowment; and consultation with the museum's director;

(c) directs the trustees to designate a chairman from among its members, adopt by-laws to carry out its functions, and report annual to the Board of Regents on matters within its discretion;

(d) directs that the initial board of trustees be composed of 25 members, including the Secretary and an Assistant Secretary as [[underlined]] ex officio [[/underlined]] members, 15 members of the Heye Foundation board of trustees to serve a three-year term, and 8 members appointed by the Board of Regents, also to serve a three-year term;

(e) directs that successor trustees, other than those [[underlined]] ex officio, [[/underlined]] be appointed by the Regents from a slate nominated by the sitting trustees that includes Americans Indians, Alaska Natives, and scholars in the fields of American Indian history and culture. At the time of appointment terms of service also will be designated, one-third expiring at the end of one year, one-third at the end of two years, and one-third at the end of three years;

(f) directs that any trustee appointed to fill a vacancy serve the remainder of the term to which the predecessor trustee was appointed;

(g) states that a majority of trustees constitutes a quorum and any vacancy does not limit its power to function; and

(h) provides for the reimbursement of the expenses of trustees in performance of their duties.

[[underlined]] Section 106 [[/underlined]] (a) directs that the Institution offer employment to all employees of the Heye Foundation at the time of the transfer of its property to the Smithsonian, and permits the Institution to make such appointments without regard to certain civil service provisions of title 5 U.S.C.;

(b) permits the Secretary to appoint and fix the compensation and duties of the Director and other museum employees; with respect to the Director and two others the Secretary may do so without regard to certain civil service provisions of title 5 U.S.C.

[[underlined]] Section 107 [[/underlined]] (a) authorizes the appropriation of $15 million for Fiscal Year 1990 and such sums as may be necessary for succeeding fiscal years to carry out the purposes of the first title. It also includes the specific authority to use such funds, prior to the availability of the new facilities, for administrative and planning expenses and for care and custody of the collections. The initial funding would be used for these purposes ($5.974 million) and for facilities planning ($9.0 million).

(b) permits the transfer of funds to the General Services Administration for construction management purposes.
