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establish a commemorative highway route, a comprehensive plan for public interpretative facilities, and an archaeological and historical research institute for studies related to the De Soto Expedition. 

[[underlined]] Indian Remains Reburial Act [[/underlined]] - H. R. 1124: Introduced February 27, 1989 by Mr. Dorgan (D-ND); to House Administration. Requires that not later than two years after enactment Smithsonian is to determine, insofar as possible, tribal origin of skeletal remains in collection dating from 1500 A.D. Related measures, not specifically naming the Institution, include:

. H. R. 1381, introduced by Mr. Bennett (D-FLA) March 14 and referred to Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, prohibits excavation of Native American burial sites and provides for civil penalties. 

. H. R. 1664, introduced by Mr. Udall (D-AZ) on March 23 and referred to Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, provides civil penalties for sale and transportation of remains; vests ownership of remains and sacred objects discovered after date of enactment in descendants or culturally affiliated tribe; requires Federal agencies and instrumentalities to inventory remains and sacred objects within two years of enactment and to notify tribes within three years and to return items unless acquired with consent or "indispensable for the completion of specific scientific study...." Compliance required by all museums receiving Federal funds.

[[underlined]] National African-American Heritage Memorial Museum [[/underlined]] - H. R. 1570: Introduced March 22, 1989 by Mr. Lewis (D-GA); to House Administration and Public Works. Establishes a museum to be located on an unspecified Mall site; loosely affiliated with Smithsonian, modeled after Kennedy Center; board of directors appointed by the President. Also establishes a National Trust for Black Museums for collecting objects and training museum professionals, and for programs to enhance understanding of African-American history and culture. Authorizes $5 million in fiscal year 1990 and such sums as may be necessary for succeeding fiscal years.

[[underlined]] National Air and Space Museum [[/underlined]] - H. R. 889: Introduced February 7, 1989 by Mr. Grant (R-FL); to House Administration and Public Works. Authorizes master plan for NASM expansion at an airport and $1 million for fiscal years 1990 and 1991.

[[underlined]] National Biological Diversity Conservation and Environmental Research Act [[/underlined]] - H. R. 1268: Introduced March 2, 1989 by Mr. Scheuer (D-NY); to Science, Space & Technology, and Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Would establish a National Center for Biological Diversity Conservation and Environmental Research to set priorities, provide leadership, coordinate efforts for conservation of biological diversity; an Interagency Working Committee on Biological Diversity to prepare a coordinate Federal strategy; and a National Scientific Advisory Committee on Biological Diversity to oversee strategy implementation and to provide scientific and technical assistance. Bill provides that the 12-member governing Board of the National Center and the 15-member Scientific Advisory Committee each include a Smithsonian representative.

[[underlined]] Smithsonian Numismatic Collection  [[/underlined]] - H. R. 1480: Introduced March 16, 1989 by Mr. Schulze (R-PA): to Banking. Transfers from the U.S. Mint to the