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-- Visitors' Assessment of Educational Materials at Shoowa Design: Raffia Textiles from Zaire. National Museum of African Art. Report 88-4. November 1988. [Distributed April 1989]

-- A Description of Visitors to the International Gallery. A report based on the 1987 International Gallery Survey Generations. Report 88-1. [Final Distribution forthcoming]

-- Who Was There? Audiences at 1988 Smithsonian Events Held in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Report 88-2. March 1988. [Final distribution forthcoming]

-- Visitor Perspectives on Tropical Rainforests. A Report based on the 1988 "Tropical Rainforests: A Disappearing Treasure" Information Study. Report 89-5. [Forthcoming]

In addition, subsequent working papers based on the 1988 NASM Survey will address transportation to the Smithsonian, interests in NASM exhibitions, visits to NASM in the context of visits to other Smithsonian facilities, and related topics.

[[underlined]] ADJOURNMENT [[/underlined]]

The meeting of the Board of Regents was adjourned at approximately 11:30 a.m. and was followed by a luncheon with the Secretary and his management staff.

[[underlined]] REGENTS' DINNER [[/underlined]]

The traditional Regents' Dinner was held on the preceding evening, May 7, 1989, beginning with a cocktail reception in the pavilion of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery which was followed by dinner in the pavilion of the National Museum of African Art. Following the dinner Mr. Adams rose to greet the Regents and their guests and introduced African Art Museum Director Sylvia Williams. Mrs. Williams spoke briefly about her fascination with the art of Africa and provided insights into the Museum's two new exhibitions, Gold of Africa: Jewelry and Ornaments from Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Senegal, and Sounding Forms: African Musical Instruments, in which the Regents and their guests were encouraged to linger after dinner.