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June 27th

Adelaide's wedding day. Beautiful day. Went into the studio with her & Jess to dress.

A beautiful wedding. Adelaide charming. Old Dr. Peabody married them in Kings Chapell. Mr Chadwick played.

Went down to the station to see them off & throw a little rice.

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read Rousseau's Confessions exquisite. Mixed in with tedious cabals with his faulty friends. His youth particularly charming in sentiment and the latter part of his life where he seeks in his imagination the delightful people he has not found on earth.

Think his amorous short-comings the result of the unbalanced intensity of his sensitiveness. He expected any minute to meet the bliss he dreamed of and the moment he discovered his deception he was in as much hurry to get away.

Cannot however understand his living with Thérèse so long.

The fact that he did not care for babies does not surprise me much. He was nothing in his sentiments but an infant anyway. That is the reason they remained fresh.