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vivacious { high temper but well governed
frank and chatty as a companion

[[Two lines in the middle of the page]]

My criticisms on the character reading
vivacious { high temper not [[strikethrough]]well[[/strikethrough]] [[inserted]]much[[/inserted]] governed
versatile & highly entertaining upon intimate acquain.
argumentative & hot

great analytic critical faculty { profound power of observation and accumulating material with very little tendency to [[underlined]]constrict[[/underlined]] & [[underlined]]deduct[[/underlined]]

extreme natural power of attraction { 1 sympathetic
2 extremely affectionate & capable of utmost devotion
3 strong belief in fatality & the natural passions

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28th Lunched with Jessie & talked over the advantages of Alice coming soon to America.
Annie Winson advised it as soon as possible if she wished to teach single year. Wished her to try and go to the Brearly school where she is.

Wrote all this to Alice in my studio. snow storm

Arrived at home Aunty had just received a very despondent letter from Alice.
We talked over the matter & how it would do to telegraph.

29 Father advised telegraphing.

Send the message.

Come with Evans

Transcription Notes:
Brearley School for Girls