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extreme. Nor on the other hand has he been sufficiently inspired by modern feeling to experiment in new paths & find new truths for himself.

25.  Death of Phillips Brooks

Grandmother would have the courage for anything that she considered her duty.

She carries that trait so far that even in conversation she picks out by choice the homeliest expressions and uses them point-blank, with the conviction that it is well to have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

"Hell is paved with good intentions."

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Painted at the studio with Alice. She scornful of my attemp at color without sufficient foundation of drawing, with an undercurrent of feeling at the idea that I was working in my own studio instead of in a school where I ought to to study many a year more.  All my nerves on the surface.

Alice wished me to go to Cambridge with her & when I declined because I ought to work she was scornful of my inartistic state of mind & [[strikethrough]] del [[/strikethrough]] declared that she would arrive farther [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] by her interrupted manner of study than I with all my drudgery.

Too nervous to work.

Went to Cambridge.

On the way home Alice explained to me that in her opinion a great art was impossible for America, which had only artists who were appreciative of other phases of art but none with original ideas on