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the subject. The country was too commercial and scientific for that.

Also that I had more than wasted my time since I came from Europe in my own painting.

German lesson.

[[centred, underlined]] le soir. [[/underlined]]


Un pays qui a deja produit des hommes comme Fuller, Hunt, Thayer et Chase n'est pas un pays sans avenir.

On a beau vous dire que les personnes Americaines qui comprennent l'art, sont la minorité!

C'est une minorité tres forte qui dominera à la fin.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Portraits of Phillips Brooks sold everywhere & cried on the streets. Square-looking front face, unprepossessing in expression & holding an open book, predominates.  It must be be never had his photo taken to speak of, as the portrait of Mrs Whitman's is the foundation for most of tje prints of him.

Phillips Brooks souvenir spoons!!

[[2 lines short in center page]]

[[Blots from closing the notebook with wet ink]]

Le secret d'ennui, c'est de tout dire.