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"On est réduit par un esprit qui brille;
On va humer l'air parfumé des cours;
Puis on revient au foyer de famille,
Vin, ordinaire, ami de tous les jours."

Gustave Nadaud

July 1st

Went down to Annisquam with Will & Fred Chase to spend a few days. On the train quite a discussion about how Fred had best embellish his new library. He wished to put in a statue of the Venus de Milo, but Will & I contended that it has become too familiar & too much the safe thing to have to add much distraction in his library. That is to have some more modern work of art would be more satisfactory & cultivating to the general public. Will even said that personally he did not care much for the Venus, which shocked Fred considerably, as his reverence for the ancient is absolute.

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Delightful household at Miss Dudley's house!

[[underline]] Mrs McNut [[/underline]] and her invalid son 

[[underline]] Barry [[/underline]]. fine fellow! Very musical & sweet and manly in character. A head with a great deal of face. Firm mouth and large forehead.

[[underline]] Mrs Barry [[/underline]] his aunt!

[[underline]] Mr Wood [[/underline]] who plays the piano deliciously & is charmingly simpleminded & countryfied

[[underline]] Miss Wood [[/underline]] his sister! Gentleness personified & pictured!

[[underline]] Mr Gilman [[/underline]] Very interesting lawyer. says little but strikes you with his appearance! long head, red hair & thoughtful eyes which he seldom allows to wander. Two children extraordinarily well brought up with apparently no idea of anything but perfect abidance. 

[[underline]] Mrs Gilman [[/underline]] a very delicate looking lady, with no thought for herself, only for her children. Much struck by the lack of socializing between herself & her husband! While they both are devoted to the children. She impartially, but he to the elder one especially.