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Poured tea at Adelaide's, she introduced me to no one.

Thinking constantly of Alice.  Fury subsides & regret the letter I wrote. I do love her dearly after all.

All Sunday running to see if telegramme had arrrived from Alice.  Paul went in at night, Amy at Jessie's.

Grandmother unendurable.  She is feeling so abused beause Alice is here.

Wept all night, fearing, I don't know what for Alice and thinking of that fearful letter I had written, phrases of which kept coming into my head.  At last in desperation at the idea of losing her affection completely I tried to
think how I could accomodate my life without it & it came over me that life was after all nothing more than a straight line, from birth to death 

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like a string & all these fearful struggles were but the merest knots & specs along the way, invisible when looking the whole length at once.  

Monday morning.  All the morning rushing in the city to find some trace of Alice, Home more dead that alive, and fell to crying when I had Alice's letter upon reach in the house.

She is coming tomorrow

Felt as if I had had a fit of sickness.

Alice arrives.  Joy suffuses itself through me & Amy too I remark.


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