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The Moscow Theological Seminary

February 12th, 1976.

Dear May,

Thank you for the Ceylon tea which you sent me a couple of days ago. The weather here in Moscow is still rather chilly, and a cup of that "fragrance and steam," after a hard day's work, is most refreshing.

Have you heard any news recently of the members of the first graduating class of T.A.S.? I have received letters from some of them and here's my little report.

Peter Shek wrote me last week from Sweden, but I am sure you have already learned from the newspapers that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature last month. His two latest works--"People are Saps," and "The Origin of Shekism" were tremendous successes. They almost turned the literary world upside down. Peter, however, told me that he was gravely disappointed at some of those "birds" up there as they violently opposed having him sing during the ceremony. They said that his "booming bass voice" would ruin everything!! I sent him my heartfelt sympathy. You may also have heard that Hollywood has nominated Phyllis for the Academy Award this year. People, you know, just adored her screams, described by one authority as "unsurpassable." Well, I can still remember vividly how she first displayed this talent of hers when she joined our Trig class in '56. It almost did make the welkin ring, what?!

Last night, I heard John over the radio playing with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. He played his own composition--"Concerto No. 2 in F-minor for Piano-Accordion and Orchestra." How this guy can play like that on the radio and still play football with the All Americans is beyond me. Xavier was recently named the Ambassador to China; he is the youngest ambassador in Spanish history. He and Jeanne sent me a picture of their eldest son, and he looked almost exactly like Xavier--especially that nose of his. Like his father, he is a born joke-maker, but he is also very studious and I am sure he got that from Jeanne.

By the way, Rick has invented a slide rule that can work logarithms to 11 places. All the time, I was expecting him to pull a gag like that so it wasn't too shocking for me to receive the news. Larry saw him at one of those scientific committee meetings in Australia where they had a grand reunion. Larry wrote me later that he was a bit sore at Rick as he still refused to return the five bucks he owed the Teen-Age Club.

How's everything going in India? When you have time, just drop me a line or two. Thanks again for the tea.

Sincerely yours,

[[signature]] Tony Yu [[/signature]]