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[[newspaper clipping]]
Saturday, July 9, 1955.

Chinese Reds, Vietminh Accuse US Of Violating Pact On Indochina

Tokyo, July 8 (CNA-UP) Communist China and North Vietnam today accused the U.S. of violating the Geneva Conference agreement on Indochina. A joint communique by Red China's Mao Tse Tung and North Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh, broadcast by Peiping Radio as Ho flew from Peiping for Moscow, made the accusation also revealed an extensive aid program by Red China to Communist held North Vietnam.

The special Peiping Radio broadcast of the joint communique signed yesterday said both parties were aware the implementation of the Geneva agreements had been obstructed and sabotaged and is now threatened with new acts of sabotage. It specifically accused the U.S. of having violated the agreements by including the Indochina states in the protected area of the South East Asia Treaty Organization. "These violations of the Geneva agreements must be stopped and the Geneva agreements must be "carried through," the communique said.

Aid Program

Tokyo, July 8 (INS) Communist China today agreed to put 800 million yaun into an aid program for Communist North Vietnam "without compensation" and demanded that the Geneva agreement be "carried through."

The aid program and demands that an election to determine which way Vietnam goes were carried in a joint communique issued by Communist Chinese boss Mao Tse-tung and North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh in Peiping.

The communique came at the end of a series of joint talks held by the two leaders in Peiping and was broadcast today by Radio Peiping. It said: "The peoples Republic of China will use the above sum to help Vietnam rebuild railways, river docks, highways and bridges, restore and reconstruct textile mills, canneries, medical equipment factories, electrical equipment factories, agricultural implement factories, paper mills, etc."

In addition to the extensive rebuilding program Communist China agreed "to help design and construct" factories, railways, bridges and highways. The Red Chinese will send technical assistants to teach the Vietnamese building techniques.

Nehru, Menon To

North Korean Deserters Given ROK Citizenship

Seoul, July 8 (CNA-UP) Four thousand South Koreans hailed today two deserted North Korean fliers who fought against them in the Korean War and gave them Republic of Korea citizenship.

The two airmen, one of whom dropped bombs on cities only a few miles from Seoul, were honored in a one-hour rally of students and adults in front of Seoul City Hall.

The former Communists, Captain Lee Woon Yong and First Lt. Lee Eun Sung, both 24, flew a Russian-built YAK-18 trainer to Seoul from Pyonyang, the North Korean capital, June 21.

Nuclear Research In Australia Spoiled By Theft of Lead Bricks

Sydney, July 7(CNA-UP) The theft of 100 pounds sterling worth of lead bricks from the Cliffside Tunnel at South Head last week ruined a 15,000 pound sterling experiment and set back Australia's nuclear research, Professor Harry Massel of the Sydney University School of Physics said today. 

The bricks were to form a protective shield around a box of highly sensitive photographic plates which have been exposed to atomic radiation in the University of California bevatron. A special emulsion for the plates had been made by Ilford's in England.

The brick were not radioactive.

Police discounted suspicion of sabotage. They said it was more likely the bricks were stolen by fishermen who thought they would serve as ideal sinkers.

France To Buy US Helicopters

Washington, July 7 (CNA-UP) A Defense Department spokesman confirmed today that France has made arrangements to purchase eight helicopters from the Sikorski Company in the United States.

He said these were to be equipped with litters, however, for rescue and transport operations. He said the United States approved the French purpose of making direct contact with the producer for the purchase.

The United Press learned from other sources earlier this week that an arrangement substantially like this had been made, but official confirmation was lacking then. It was understood that delivery of most of these airplanes could not be made before January or February.

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