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Page 3

UNC Protests Against Illegal Buildup of Communist Air Force In N. Korea

Panmunjeon, Korea, July 5 (CNA-UP) The United Nations military command today charged the Communists on "irrefutable [[proof??]] with illegally building a Russian-supplied air force in North Korea.

U. S. Maj. Gen. Harlan C. Parks, senior U. N. delegate to the joint military armistice commission, read a 83-minute detailed summary of what he called "irrefutable proof of the illegal buildup of combat forces" by the North Korean Reds.

Parks told the senior Communists, North Korean Lt. Gen. Lee Sang Cho, that the Reds "resorted to every conceivable pretext to circumvent the provisions" of the truce document.

Parks dealt particularly with the Russian-built MIG air force in North Korea.

He charged that the Communists "had no air force and not one usable airfield" when the war ended July 17, 1953.

But, Parks told Lee, "within a few months after the armistice agreement was signed our radar surveillance detected continuously increasing jet aircraft."

Parks told Lee that the U. N. command was lodging "the strongest and most serious protest made against your side since the signing of the armistice."

He charged that "through your willful, deliberate and illegal buildup of your combat forces you have:

Flagrantly violated every basic provision of the armistice agreement, including the spirit and intent of acquiring a favorable military position over the forces of the United Nations Command."

Parks also demanded that the Reds give the Neutral Nations Commission "corrected combat material reports which reflect the mass of combat material and hundreds of aircraft you have regularly introduced into Korea."

The two-star Airforce general told Lee, frankly, "We have listened since last summer to the soothing music of your peaceful propaganda and your expression for a free and independent United Korea, while at the same time contending with your "continuous, wilfull and flagrant violations of the armistice agreement, your murderous and inhuman atrocities." 

P'ping Offers To Supply Afro-Asian Nations With Industrial Equipment 

Tokyo, July 4 (UP) Communist China agreed today to supply "certain" industrial equipment to Asian and African nations and promised to take "appropriate measures" if there are any payment difficulties.

The offer came in a Radio Peiping broadcast which [[carried?]] a summary of an article appearing in the English language magazine People's China written by Cheng Ming, a foreign trade ministry official.

Cheng coupled the offer with predictions of increased trade with Southeast Asia and a blistering attack against United States trade policies in the Far East.

"China is prepared," he said, "to the limit of her powers, to consider supplying certain industrial equipment to other Asian-American countries.

"In case of need, she will also consider taking appropriate measures to resolve difficulties over payment on the principle of equality and mutual benefit."

He attacked the U. S. embargo of the Red mainland but said:

"Today all these shameful attempts to obstruct China's peaceful construction are as useless as ploughing sand. But other countries have suffered a great deal from the 'embargo.'"

"Washington's embargo policy is not aimed solely at China and her peaceful construction. Its purpose is to control many economically underdeveloped countries and force them to sell their exportable raw materials only in markets under U. S. monopoly control."

Many Londoners Shocked By Big 'Mystery' Sound
London, July 5 (CNA UP) A mysterious explosion-like sound awakened thousands of persons across London shortly after midnight today.

It rattled windows, set off burglar alarms and brought hundreds of worried calls to city and county police and to fire stations throughout the metropolitan area.

Scotland Yard ordered all neighborhood stations to check for an explosion. Four hours after the sharp sound wave, none had been found.

"We seem to be faced with a problem we cannot solve," a Scotland Yards spokesman said. "It is a mystery."

The Air Ministry said it knew of no high-speed planes in the area which might have cracked the sound barrier. The Weather Bureau said there were no thunderstorms.

But the sound was reported by police stations over an area 40 miles square from North London suburbs to Kent County on the south.

Miss McCrae Becomes 1st Finisher in Annual 'Powder Puff Derby'

Westfield, Massachusetts, July 4 (CNA UP) A Lemon Grove, California, woman and her "companion" flew into Barnes Airport here at 4:09 p.m., to become the first finishers in the annual "Powder Puff Derby."

They were Miss Isabella McCrae, who piloted the Bonanza Beechcraft on the 2,800 mile transcontinental trip, and Mrs. Betty McNeil of San Diego. Mrs. McNeil does not hold a pilot's license but came along with Miss McCrae as a "companion."

They finished ahead of Mrs. Jane Hart of Lansing, Mich., who was the first flier to reach Wheeling, Ohio County Airport, today in Wheeling, West Virginia. From Wheeling, the all-woman race had to make a stop at reading,


New York, July 4 (AP) The rampaging Boston Red Sox swept a double-header from the first place New York Yankees Monday, 4-2 and 10-5 with Ted Williams hitting his 10th home run a double in the opener and Norm Zauchin clubbing his 17th homer with two on in the afterpiece.

Larry Doby singled a home run in the first game then pounded out two one-run homers in the second contest as Cleveland swept a double header from Detroit Tigers 6-3 and 8-5 in sweltering 96-degree heat.  The Indian, by virtue of the victories, climbed into second place five games behind the Yankees.

The National League leading Brooklyn Dodgers unloaded their vaunted power and buried the Philadelphia Phillies twice, 11-2 and 6-3 with an attack that produced six home runs, one triple and two doubles. The Dodgers now are 12.5 games in front of the Cubs.  Dean Newcombe notched up his 14th victory against one loss in the opener.  

The Chicago White Sox backed Connie Jackson's 7-hit pitching with a 16-hit barrage, including home runs by George Kell, Walt Dropo and Chico Carrasquel to defeat the Kansas City Athletics 8-3 in the first game of a double header.  

At Baltimore, a four run eighth inning explosion featuring Willy Miranda's bases-loaded double and pitcher Ray Moore's two-run single gained Baltimore its first victory in 

July 5, 1955

Second grand prize 10 at NT$10,000
[[6 column table]]
121240 | 136048 | 147579 | 325241 | 409177 | 493606
516701 | 591643 | 789710 | 726575 |   |
First prize 1 at NT$100,000

Second prize 1 at NT$50,000

Third prizes 20 at NT$10,000
[[6 column table]]
118199 | 116393 | 157321 | 220908 | 249832 | 299099
217074 | 351221 | 378458 | 418181 | 472350 | 48[[??]]
547571 | 567308 | 599111 | 737736 | 808936 | 882874
864875 | 728652 |   |   |   |
Fourth prizes 40 at NT$3,000
[[6 column table]]
052126 | 099618 | 123930 | 125506 | 143899 | 147012
163048 | 195818 | 204115 | 207878 | 249501 | 288191
307599 | 338032 | 353319 | 399825 | 401770 | 447779
454015 | 450187 | 462061 | 476936 | 495716 | 509887
519437 | 561836 | 602995 | 607974 | 621183 | 643653
668080 | 681417 | 749556 | 778856 | 779388 | 779933
821659 | 852[[041?]] | 859277 | 895090. |   |
Fifth prize place of last 5
 figures (5 sets) at NT$2,000
25543  27537  36430  39891  93728

Sixth prizes place of last 4 figures (4 sets)
at NT$1,000
1459  2440  6334  9225

Seventh prizes place of last 3 figures (3 sets)
at NT$100
018  418  914

Eights prizes place of last 2 figures (2 sets)
at NT$10
24  73

Previous & next [[10?]] grand prizes 2 at NT$5,000
281279  281881

Third grand prize 1 at NT$5,000
[[??]]  281880

[[image - drawing of man in suit]]
First In 
for MAN'S SUIT NT$280.00 Only
34, Chendu Road, Taipei
[[/advertisement ]]

[[image - drawing of high heeled shoe]]
1955 Latest Style for Ladies
& Men Excellent Fitting
All Color
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[[5 Chinese characters]]
48/3 Si Ning South Road, Taipei
(Opposite to Taiwan Theater)

[[/newspaper clipping]]

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