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Davis Doubts Reds Will Attack Formosa

TAIPEI, Formosa (INS)- America's top Air Force commander in Formosa, Brig. Gen. Benjamin Davis, said Wednesday he expected the the Communists to continue initiating small clashes in the Formosa straits but added, "I don't think they are going to do anything to make us mad enough to hurt them."
"If the Communists attack Taiwan (Formosa)," the general said, "I think they would suffer some very unpleasant and strong consequences."
"There would be no question of U.S. capability," he added.
Gen. Davis pointed out that the Communists in the past year have steadily increased their military potential "both offensive and defensive."
"THE COMMUNISTS have developed their air forces in a most rapid and expeditious manner," he said, "which leads one to believe it is intended for offensive purposes- at some time."
Davis, who commands U.S. Air task force 13 (provisional) in Formosa said the Communists "have a far more significant capability today than ever before" in the Formosa straights area.
The general said no one but the Communists could say, of course, what the Reds might do in the "pocket battlefront" area in the Formosa Straits.
"But if you wish to guess," he said, "I guess the Communists don't want to bloody their noses by hitting strong points.
"I MIGHT GUESS the Communists won't attack these islands-Taiwan and Penghu (Pescadores).
"There is a possibility they might misunderstand our intentions towards the offshore islands and might become adventuresome.
"But as far as Taiwan and Penghu my guess is they would find it too unprofitable a venture."
The Air Force commander said, when asked if U.S. forces would jump in to assist Nationalist defenders in the events the Reds attack the offshore islands:
"Anything the U.S. interprets as a threat to Taiwan and the Pescadores will of course call for U.S. action."
He said that in such an event, his Air Force would recieve orders from Vice Adm. Stuart Ingersoil, Seventh Fleet comander and commander of the Taiawn defense corps.
IF ORDERS are received, Gen. Davis said, in the event of "trouble," then "things would happen similar to last year during the Tachen evacuation only faster and more orderly."
"It is a safe assumption that there are very definite plans for the defense of Taiwan," the general stated. "And I am personally convinced they are plans pretty well written."

[[image: photo of Brig. Gen Davis]]

Chiang, Red Guns Trade Heavy Fire
TAIPEI, Formosa (INS)-
Chinese Communists and Nationalist resumed their furious artillery dueling Wednesday in the Quemoy-Amoy complex of the islands within sight of the Red mainland.
The new battle was triggered by Red artillerymen who poured 517 rounds on the Nationalist-held outpost island of Quemoy during a midday period of one hour and 39 minutes. 
Nationalist gunners relied with heavy fire in the biggest artillery duel of the past 11 days.

[[image of Queen Elizabeth II]]

FAMILY INSPECTION- Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is trailed by Princess Anne, Prince Charles, her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, and an officer, a she inspects an honor guard of Nigerian cadets. The queen has toured Nigeria (UP Radiophoto)

Was That Elizabeth Laughing?

LONDON (INS) - Newsmen were barred Tuesday night from watching Queen Elizabeth's and Princess Margaret's reaction to a risqué scene in the French revue, "La Plume de Ma Tante."
The scene features the struggles of two male actors trying to escape from a "typical Parisian Boulevard circular fixture."
Reporter were aske to leave the theater. Waiting in the foyer, they heard hilarious laughter break out. 
But the royal reaction remained a mystery.

Yodel-eee-o Lady? Who? Yahoo!

BOURNEMOUTH, England (UP) - Mrs. Veronica Hunter, 56, was fined 25 pounds Wednesday on drunk charges after she:
Drove her car through a red light, hit a danger sign and two red warning lights' got out of her car and hugged a night watchman, knocked off a policeman's helmet, was carried to a police station and entered yodeling: "Yahoo! Here we are!"

Monte Carlo Accuses 3

NICE, France (INS) - Three Los Angeles men were arrested by Nice police Wednesday in connection with charges they cheated the famed Monte Carlo gambling casino out of $8,600. They allegedly dropped about six million francs ($17,200) at Monte Carlo and were suspected of cheating at dice on Monday and winning back about half that amount.

3,000 Rebels Surrender to South Vietnam Chief

SAIGON, Vietnam (UP) - Rebel General Tran Van Soai and 3,000 of his followers began to surrender to the government of South Vietnam Wednesday.
Tray Soai and his pistol-packing wife have been leading operations of the Hoa Hao sect against the government of Premier Ngo Dinh Diem since last spring. His surrender is regarded a major triumph.
With Tran Soai in his camp, Diem faces only more important dissident leader, General Ba Cut of the Hoa Hao sect, who is still operating in the western tip of Vietnam.

High-Level Toothache

NEW YORK (AP) - Ambassador Clare Boothe Luce came home from Italy Tuesday with a toothache. A dental abcess caused so much swelling of her left jaw that she asked airport photographers not to make any pictures.

Bonn OKs Troop Pay Parley

BONN, Germany (AP) - West Germany agreed Wednesday to negotiate the dispute with the Big Three powers over its financial support of allied troops in German.

Foreign Minister Heinrich von Brentano called in the three western ambassadors to advise them of his government's decision.

Allied officials said American, British, French and German officials probably will meet here next week to discuss the dispute.

The western powers had asked for the negotiations in notes delivered to the Bonn government early this month.

'Black Hole' of Sudan kills 100

KHARTOUM, Sudan (UP) - At least 100 prisoners died Wednesday in a 'black hole' barracks where they were crowded together in a single room.
First reports said 194 died and eight were critically ill.
The victims, imprisoned at Kosti in the Blue Nile province 240 miles south of Khartoum, were cotton farmers arrested in protest riots Sunday.
A government communique said the cause of death has not been established. Officials believed it might have been food poisoning or asphyxiation.
The disaster recalled the "Black Hole of Calcutta: in which 123 Britons died exactly two centuries ago after they were imprisoned in a cellar during a native uprising.

SUDANESE MINISTER of Health Amin el Sayed, police commandant Amin Ahmed Hussein and a number of doctors immediately flew to Kosti to investigate the tragedy.
Some 285 cotton growers were arrested at Kosti Sunday after they refused to deliver this winter's crop to the marketing company. The protest boiled up into rioting.
The farmers were armed with spears and stocks. Police opened fire, killing 20 farmers. Two policemen and a guard also died.


Published daily in Tokyo, Japan, by Pacific Stars and Sripes, APO 500, under the operational control of TI&E, Hq AFFE/8th Army (Rear), APO 343, by authorization of FEC. Home or billet delivery $1.70 per month. Unit subscriptions in bulk $1.50 per month plus postage if postal delivery made. Subscriptions must be paid in advance (AR 210-50. AFR 176-1). Editorial opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Department of Defense.
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