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Students 'Repossess' N.Y. For England

WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP)- British flags flew briefly over four upper New York state communities Wednesday and flag poles were posted with proclamations that the territory had been "repossessed" by the British.
There were unconfirmed reports that a group of Canadian students had "invaded" the area during the early morning hours of George Washington's birthday.
In Kingston, Ontario, a group of Queen's University students revealed that they had staged the raid to "reclaim" the territory in the name of King George III and to commemorate Washington's birthday.
The flags flew over schools in Watertown, Clayton, Alexandria Bay and Lafargeville, all in Jefferson County and part of the original 13 colonies of the U.S. which won their independence from Britain.

Bank Loss Threatens Village

SMOLAN, Kan. (AP) - A shortage attributed to "manipulations" of the cashier has closed a 51-year-old bank here and threatened many of this community's 200 stunned residents with loss of their life savings.
G.W. Lindley, assistant state bank examiner, said there was little hope the Smolan State Bank would reopen. It has less than $370,000 deposits and is not covered by federal deposit insurance.
He said the bank suffered an undetermined loss because of the "manipulations of the cashier, Raymond Holmquist."
* * *
LINDLEY SAID Holmquist orally admitted to an examiner that he falsified bank records.
Holmquist, 44-year-old World War II veteran and father of two stepchildren, said "I have no comment to make at this time."
No charges have been filed. 

Tokyo to Be No. 1 World City by '58?

TOKYO (UP)- Tokyo may take over top position as the world's most populated metropolitan area within the next two years if the present population trend continues, the Tokyo Statistics Bureau indicated Wednesday.
The city's population as of the first of the year was 8,070,001, an increase of 262,335 over Jan. 1, 1955.

Bomb Rocks N.Y. Rail Station

NEW YORK (UP)- A bomb that may have been set by "the mad bomber of Manhattan" exploded in a Pennsylvania Station men's washroom shortly before the afternoon rush hour Tuesday, injuring a 74-year-old attendant.
The attendant said that a stocky man in a gray sports jacket asked him to investigate a clogged drain. When he did so, the bomb went off.
Police believe the man planted the bomb, which exploded in a manner similar to the detonation of a bomb in a Grand Central Terminal men's room Dec. 1.

Five Dead In Florida AF Crash

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla (INS)- All five crewmen were killed when an Air Force KC-97 Strato-Freighter crashed in flames during an emergency landing at Palm Beach AFB Tuesday.
The huge aircraft was approaching the field when it struck a telephone pole about 300 yards from the runway and plunged to the ground afire.
The flaming plane skidded along a wild course that took it over a ditch, across a roadway and through a fence surrounding the base.
* * *
IT FINALLY came to rest on the edge of the runway with only the tail section intact.
Burning wreckage was scattered over a wide area.
An Air Force officer, who was riding a motor scooter along the roadway adjoining the field, was sprayed by flaming gasoline which spewed from the aircraft when it hit the pole.
He narrowly escaped death as the stricken plane skidded across the highway.

Both Parties Ask Probe Of Lobbying in Congress

WASHINGTON (INS)- The Senate was expected to vote Wednesday on a resolution calling for a sweeping investigation of "illegal" or "improper" attempts to influence congressional action on legislation.
The resolution, backed by both parties, was introduced Tuesday, jointly sponsored by Democratic leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, and GOP leader William F. Knowland of California.
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UNDER the resolution, a special eight-man committee would be created to conduct a year-long probe into "attempts to influence improperly or illegally the Senate or any member thereof" by campaign contributions, lobbying or any other practices. The measure asks $350,000 to finance the probe.
The new committee, to be composed of four Republicans and four Democrats, would take over an investigation now under way by another blue-ribbon Senate committee looking into the $2,500 campaign contribution offered Sen. Francis Case (R-S.D.)
* * *
CASE REJECTED the funds offered by Nebraska oil lawyer John M. Neff during the fight over the natural gas bill but the donation touched off demands for a probe of lobbying.
Johnson introduced his resolution after the Senate GOP and Democratic policy committees voted in favor of an investigation.

[[image - black & white photograph of two men wearing suits, ties and eyeglasses]]
[[caption]] NEFF HEARS TESTIMONY- John M. Neff, Lexington, Neb., (right) and his attorney, Ivan Evans, are among the spectators in the Senate caucus room as Sen. Francis Case (R.-S.D) begins his testimony in the Senate's investigation into whether Neff attempted to influence Case's vote on the natural gas bill. (UP Photo) [[/caption]]

N.Y. Widow Arrested As Dope Ring Member

NEW YORK (AP)- A 51-year-old widow, described as an active church worker, Girl Scout leader and political club official, has been arrested in a crackdown on a bigtime dope ring.
Police said they had been secretly keeping watch on Mrs. Tenna Kislus for some time as she met heroin users and made deliveries for the ring, amid her other activities.
As a result, it was said, officers were able to nab at least three other ring members as well as $50,000 worth of narcotics.
However, the alleged leader of the dope ring disappeared while free on bail and fears for his safety were expressed.
He was identified as James Pagano, 52, a prohibition era gangster who was arrested last November.
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MRS. KISLUS, a matronly, well-dressed and soft spoken women, the mother of a 13-year-old son and the widow of a machinist, was secretly indicted shortly after Pagano's arrest, but was allowed to remain unaware of it while detectives shadowed her.

15-Inch Wheels of Justice Turn

NEW YORK (UP)- German designer Willy Messerschmitt's "poor man's car" crashed headon into a Park Department regulation Wednesday. 

The Rev. Walter Allen Dealey pleaded guilty in Bronx Traffic Court to violating a Park Department regulation and received a suspended sentence. 
Even Magistrate Vernon C. Riddick was surprised to learn that the Park Department bans from the parkways over which it has jurisdiction cars whose wheels are less than 15 inches in diameter (excluding tires).
* * *
THE BEST DEALEY's new Messerschmitt could muster was nine inches for each of its three wheels.
Dealey, who purchased the car in December, was stopped on the Henry Hudson Parkway Feb. 1 and given a ticket under the eight-year-old regulation banning small vehicles from the parkways in the interest of safety.
* * *
 DEALEY, ignorant of the regulation, was happy to get off with a suspended sentence. Not so happy, however was Adolf Gordon, president of Gordon Motors Corp., of Yonkers, sole U.S. distributors of the Messerschmitts. He hinted at a plot against "a poor man's car."

Bell Income Increases 

NEW YORK (AP)- The Bell System, consisting of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. and its principal telephone subsidiaries, Tuesday reported a record net income of $683,543,449 for 1955 compared with $564,898,544 for the previous year. 

[[box]] AIR FORCE personnel with newspaper experience wanted as reporters, copy editors and printers for Pacific Stars and Stripes. Apply in person to Managing Editor Hardy Barracks Area 2 or by letter to Stars and Stripes, APO-500 Inter Island. [[/box]]

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Pacific Stars & Stripes  3

[[comic image - man hanging from second floor window]] [[text bubble coming from inside building]] MY LITTLE PARAKEET - POOR LITTLE PARAKEET

[[comic image - man from first panel now inside, woman on floor holding dead parakeet]] [[text bubble coming from man]] NO! TOO HIGH! I'D BREAK BOTH LEGS!

[[comic image - man pushing a pile of furniture against entrance door of room]] [[text bubble coming from outside room]] THIS KEY FITS! TAKE A MAN, SAM, AND COVER THE ALLEY.

[[comic image - woman crying holding dead bird]] [[text bubble]] YOU KILLED MY PARAKEET-

Reg U. S. Pat. Off. 1 [[copyright symbol]] 1956 by The Chicago Tribune.
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