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[[underlined]] page 33. [[/underlined]]

the porticoes being an exact copy of the greek temple of Neptune at Paestum in Italy.

[[underlined]] 65. [[/underlined]] There is no exact information about the laying out of the garden but we know that in early days the place was famous for its grapes grown in forcing houses. Only the walls of these houses remain, but these walls, covered with a luxuriant growth of trumpet vine, ivy and wistaria, add to the grace of the garden and protect it in winter.

[[underlined]] 66. [[/underlined]] The gazebo which overlooked the gardens at Andalusia and a section of the walls of the graperies, now bordered with flowers. A gazebo was always placed where the view of the gardens was seen to the greatest advantage.

[[underlined]] The Highlands, owned by Miss Caroline Sinkler, Ambler, Pa. [[/underlined]] (1796)

^[[X]] On the old Skippack Pike in the White Marsh Valley lies ^[["]]the Highlands,^[["]] the house having ^[[been]] built by Anthony Morris in 1796. The house ^[[,]] of the late Georgian period ^[[,]] is surrounded by fine old trees ^[[,]] and high crenelated walls protect the garden.

[[underlined]] 67. [[/underlined]]   ^[[68->]] These walls were once the graperies ^[[,]] as at Andalusia. At the two corners of the wall stand square garden houses where once [[strikethrough]] in lean years [[/strikethrough]] ^[[X]] the old retainers reared large families. [[strikethrough]] in their restricted quarters. [[/strikethrough]] 

[[underlined]] 68. [[/underlined]] The grapevines and the orangeries have long since disappeared but the old grass walks are still sheltered by magnolias and fruit trees and ^[[X]] bordered by box.

[[underlined]] 69. [[/underlined]] The grounds and gardens at the Highlands are of great beauty and show the result of the combined work of sympathetic and trained minds and hands