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Transcription: [00:00:04]
{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Now you are, allright, how is that for level? Is that too loud for the level? Perfect? OK. Well, well, I don't particularly care about it. No, I won't say who it is. That's the other one. That side. You're the man.


You might say an interest in the world of travel. We lived near each other in Chicago, and I remember one time somebody said that China was right under you. In fact, I also remember that we immediately proceeded to dig up the back yard in search of it. Well, now, needless to say, China wasn't reached that time. Although some years later it was, only not via the back yard.

Lisa being a singer, had a singing engagement in Paris, and asked me if I'd like to go along. Well, the answer was yes, as I had always wanted to go to Europe.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Me too, except when I got there, of all things that could possibly happen to anyone, my job fell through.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
You've never seen a more dejected person than Lisa. Her first thought was to turn around and go right back home, but my thought, now that I had finally gotten there, was to stay awhile.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Then Jeanne had a brilliant idea. She thought it was very silly for me to go home so soon, and being an actress, she decided that although the role might not be easy, she would act as my manager and try to get me work. Well, I certainly didn't think she could, and you know, I really don't think she did either, but she did.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
And before long, engagements were all over Europe and finally, all around the world. And all this time the cameras were going at at fast and furious pace. Everything was photographed, from the Eiffel Tower to wild monkeys in India to chop suey in China.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
You know there never was time to check to see if Chicago really were under China. Then arriving back into the United States, which turned out to be three years later, we found that we had more interesting film than anything else, and that's when we decided to go back and make a picture just one of the many countries. [[??]]