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Transcription: [00:46:09]
{Unknown speaker}
[00:46:12] Later on, he brings out the completed pieces which are now for sale. They range from crosses for the church, stovefronts, electric light fixtures, lanterns, and numerous small articles, too.
[00:46:22] He is also commissioned by some of the leading churches to make wrought iron gates and doors for them. In fact, one of his doors is in the Saint [[Flosses?]] Church in Salzburg.
[00:46:32] Aside from doing fine work, Herr [[Einsfeld]], who is 75 years old, is one of the kindest, most wonderful people.
[00:46:38] He loves his church, his family, and his big black dog, who is always by his side, and who he calls Whitey. [[crowd laughter]]
[00:46:52] His wife is also an artisan, and her name in wrought iron is to the right side of the door - Anna [[Bourvo]], her maiden name, [[Puschmacherin]].
[00:47:03] She's one of the few people left who still make these traditional costume hats worn by the country people.
[00:47:09] This is an art all its own, which unfortunately is fast fading out. The exquisite embroidery work on the brim, made with real gold thread, takes two weeks to do, and the hats cost about 40 dollars.
[00:47:22] And inside of each, is her name, Anna [[Einsfeld]], and where she's from, Kitzbühel.
[00:47:29] And now you're going to see them being worn in one of the traditional towns. You know how we women are always being teased by the men, over our hats?
[00:47:38] I'd just wonder what they'd say if we wore some of these. [[Pause, light laughter]]
[00:47:56] Now, just in case the men are beginning to feel a little too smug, let's take a look at their hats. In Austria, it's the men who are bedecked with flowers; fresh cut flowers.
[00:48:15] How would you like to have this in front of you at the theater? Or this?
[00:48:21] And I'd doubt if we'd ever see a gas attendant over here with this on his head.