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Transcription: [00:16:23]
[Lisa Chickering]
The theater plays a very important part in the life of Vienna, too. And the Bourg Theatre begun in 1776 by Joseph II was made famous for its grandeur of tragic drama. Seats were handed down through the generations from one courtier to another like family jewels.

You know, traffic seems to be the same just about everywhere, but in Vienna? It's one man's joy. He's known and loved as "The Happy Policeman." Smiling and waving at everyone, he has become a symbol of their lightheartedness. His ambition is to always be at this corner on the ring and to have a pretty Viennese wife. I think our ambition is just to have a few more policemen like him over here.


Across the Heldenplatz, meaning "Heroes' Square," you can see the radhaus, or courthouse, with its gothic towers. And going to the Michaeler Rotunda, where the Hofburg is located, we pass under the beautiful wrought-iron Michaeler Gate. The Hofburg is the imperial palace and was a favorite residence of the Habsburg Emperors from 1282 right down to 1918. And today, the royal apartments are used by the president of Austria.

Also, the imperious Spanish Riding School is here, and it's a common sight to see the famed horses crossing the busy street to go into their arena. The magnificent hall is another example of architect Fischer von Erlach's artistry.


For over 200 years, these majestic horses have classically demonstrated the traditional highest pool of equitation. The skill of horse and rider blend as one in a harmony of movement. Their intricate steps, paces, and jumps are executed with flawless ease and grace.


Their breeding farm is in the village of Piber, about 140 miles south of Vienna, and here they're raised and trained. The Lipazzaner horses, as they are also called, were first bred in Lipica, a village near Trieste, which was then a part of Austria. 1508, they're three-quarters Spanish stock and one-quarter Arabic, and they're snow white most interesting when you realize they're born black. The mares with their foals are found grazing in the low meadows and here you can see the babies with the first hint of white breaking through their dark coats.
