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Transcription: [00:24:32]
The cows start their long trip at dawn and all day long wind their way down through the beautiful countryside with their melodious bells ringing out. Always they patiently follow the lead cow. It's a big day, not only for the cows, but also their owners. The larger and brighter the decorations, the more it means it's been a good summer with lots of rich milk, some new little calves, and no mishaps.

At last they've reached the valley and are now going through the billied streets of Haufgarten and the Tyrol.

Here you can see the little calves, heads bedeck with garlands of flowers. The townspeople come out too to welcome the tired but colorful herd on the last lap of their journey.

Passing this tiny roadside chapel its just a little way further now until they turn into their own familiar pastures. And here they are, home at last.

Uh oh, here are two that still have energy to be jealous, I guess. But the lead cow's placid, satisfied to have led the others home safely for the winter.

Autumn's a wonderful time of the year in Austria, but winter is best of all, and Salzburg under a mantle of white snow is one of the worlds most beautiful cities.

[[Music from 00:26:04 to 00:26:34]]

One winter day we stop at this little art gallery that was built right into part of the old city walls. A piece of what looked like ancient art attracted our attention, so we went in to inquire about it.

The proprietor told us that is wasn't ancient at all, but actually had been done recently by an artist living there in Salzburg, Kai Chrisnitsky [[Guess]]. He told us that during the summer, one could usually find Kai all around town busily sketching and under summer skies, there he was.

Kai was originally from Czechoslovakia, is a very talented artist who works in many mediums. He first moved to Salzburg in 1945, because he said he feels he has more freedom of expression. And two, of all the the cities in Europe he feels that Salzburg with its rich beauty has a great deal to offer the creating artist.

Much of Salzburg is actually very Italian in design with its spacious squares, ornate fountains, and church domes as you can see here. In fact its often been called the Rome of the north.