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Transcription: [00:38:40]
This is the Hofburg of Innsbruck, the Tyrolean palace of the once ruling Habsburg family.
At noon, the rush to the slopes begins. As Innsbruck is one of the few cities in the world where the people can actually ski on their lunch hour.
Even the streetcar seems to be in a hurry.
In order to get to the mountains above the city, the first step is this red funicular.
Most of the beginners go over to the mountains on the other side that we saw before.
But the advanced skiers all go up here, where the slopes are a real challenge.
A quick transfer is made from the funicular to this cable car, that swings you up to the snowy top.
Skimming over the trees, you can look down and see the skiers returning back to town for their afternoon's work.
It's interesting to note that on these surrounding slopes above Innsbruck, the Winter Olympics of 1964 will be held.
Well, there's about as much activity up here as down below, or inactivity.
And it always amazes me how no one's ever perturbed by their proximity to the edge, including the traditional St. Bernard.
Now for the really skilled and daring skier there's still a final height to be descended from, the very top.
And here's the parting reminder for them.
Now looking down from the final peak, you can see the little cable car bringing up the intrepid skiers.
Shouldering their skis, they walk the rest of the way to the summit that's marked by the cross.
It's 7,500 feet back down to Innsbruck.
I hope they get back to work on time.