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Transcription: [00:02:22]
Lead a very healthy, happy, out of door life.

Well it's the end of February now and we're going to drive only a short distance to the northwest and we come to the town of Ballarat, and we're going to Ballarat for the Begonia festival.

As we enter Ballarat we see this stop and go sign. It's lighted at night. It fascinated me, I think we really could introduce this into the USA.

You know just how long a time you're in green before you'll move into red and then when you're in red how long a time it will be until the change will come about.

There are other lovely flowers to be found in Ballarat, but it's the Begonias that draw visitors from not only all over Australia, but from the outside world as well.

And thousands of pots of Begonias are to be seen during the Begonia show.

If you like Begonias, there's no better place to view them then here in Ballarat.

[Someone coughs]

Well a short drive from the Begonia headquarters we came to a stop sign and I saw this elephant that was wondering about. Nobody seemed to be, well looking for him.

We're a little bit far south for elephants and this chap moved right out into the middle of the road and nobody slowed down for him. Mrss Hall, my photographer's wife was in that little car there and then the elephant stopped and looked in the window.

Well we soon found out that he belonged to a circus, and we got that information from the daughter of the owner of the circis.

She was a very cute little girl and she was anxious that we photographed her baby wombat. Now there is no accounting for taste, but certainly children do come up with some peculiar pets and this was one of the strangest of them all. A baby wombat
