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Transcription: [00:47:51]
These are the track clowns that put on little skits between the races. Skijoring is the preliminary attraction before the main trotting events. Fearless skiers aplomb at racing speed right on the heels of the horses. It takes great skill and courage to maintain the proper balance in this sport.

The judge studies his list of entries as the big race is about to begin. An they're off. Again the leading trotters are handicapped, so Shifra's starting position was 300 feet back.

But here he comes now up on the left with Klaus in his same lucky blue sweater. There are over 30 different horses in this race that have come from all parts of Austria. Some of the leading trotters are here so it's a real challenge for Shifra.

The clowns even during the race take every opportunity to amuse the spectators.

You know the horses sense they're running on the frozen lake. There is an eerie, hollow thud as their hooves beat against the ice that trembles under foot. It makes the horses nervous.

In fact, it made us nervous.

Now keep your eye on Shifra, he's pushing up into third position as the tense race nears its end.

Feel the finish line and shifra on the far left goes over to win by a nose. The judge checks Shifra as champion of the day. As he and Klaus return past the stands for the praise and applause of the crowd.

Well it looks like he bet on Shifra.

This typical young couple seem pleased over the results of the race too. The affairs and events of the day are discussed and then the people begin to wind their way home.