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Transcription: [00:52:18]
The man in the center is cracking his whip to drive away the evil spirits, open up the earth, and let the spirit of spring out.
Their steady dance-like steps of jumping up and down is also to awaken spring, asleep beneath the frozen ground.
Masks are the main attraction. Made of wood, hand-carved, they're handed down in Tyrolean families for generations.
Well I don't know about scaring the cold away, but this winter witch should scare something away!
These beautiful girls are really men, as no women take part in the proceedings at all.
Here they're clearing the way for the coming procession.
All the groups and floats in the procession represent something from the whimsical world of fantasy.
These are gypsy witches.
And these are good goblins from the magic wood.
The country people believe that in the surrounding mountains, this friendly giant lives and protects them from evil.
But how this east Indian folk figures in, I just don't know.
Complete with elephant orchestra and even dancing girls -
I mean dancing men!
The curious carnival winds its way down and around the village streets most of the afternoon.
But even after the sun had set, there were tireless groups of shouters and rollers, still in motion with their bells still ringing out against the winter demons.
And sure enough, and just outside town this strange apparition was seen leaving!
He was undoubtedly one of the winter demons, the people had succeeded in frightening away.