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Transcription: [00:17:18]
The castle gates closed on this world of make-believe. But, it's nice to know that here we can step back into the past in this jet age.
When autumn comes, it's time for the harvesting of the grapes. And some of Austria's richest vineyards lie here in the eastern province of Burgenland, which was a part of Hungary right until 1920.
The vineyards stretch right to the now foreboding borders of Hungary.
That's the land you can see in the distance beyond the trees.
Burgenland is least known by the tourists. It's so different from the rest of Austria, with it's flat terrain and Hungarian-type people that you almost feel as though you're in another country.
With so much traffic out here, I guess this harvester felt it was necessary to ease the congestion.
This families vineyard is located between the villages of Mirvish and Rust, which for years have produced some of Austria's finest wine.
In fact, the excellent quality of this wine played an interesting role in history.
Back in the 17th century, this territory was controlled by the Esterhazy overlords.
The people wanted to be free of their jurisdiction. So, presented their rulers with 800 barrels of their choicest wines.
The Esterhazy's liked the wines so much, they did grant the people their freedom. And still today the village of Rust is called a free city, having special governmental privileges.
In the village of Mirvish, located right on the Hungarian border, the people can be seen putting the grapes away in their basements.
Right from here we can see the forbidding watch towers with their armed guards.
We were warned though not to try to photograph them, as it might be very dangerous. But, the people don't think about them now, with all the work at hand.
Soon this man's grapes will be the rich muscatel that Mirvish is so famous for.
When the harvesting's over, the people feel like celebrating, and wine festivals breakout all over the village country.
A few miles east of Vienna is the famed Abbey Town of Klosterneuberg lying at the foot of the vine-covered hills.
And it's here where one of Austria's most popular wine-fests takes place.