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Transcription: [00:33:54]
Early the next morning, we set out again, and this time we were successful.
What a rare sight. A whole group of wild flamingos at their nests.
These birds are among the richest in color of the entire species. Their deep rosy hue is due to the microscopic red shrimp that they eat from the salt lake.
That's the way we felt about it too.
Some of these babies are probably no more than a few hours old.
Well, I think this one better wait until tomorrow to try his new little legs.
This could be called "baby's first steps." And from the looks of the next one, he must be pondering the old adage of "which came first."

As these graceful creatures flew away, so did we. Leaving Bonaire behind, we continued on to the island of Aruba, lying just 15 miles off the coast of Venezuela.
Aruba is the smallest of the ABC group, but second in importance. And surprisingly, its airport is an important link in international air traffic.
Sitting right out on a beautiful stretch of beach is the Aruba Caribbean Hotel. It's strikingly modern.
And you know, it's a funny thing, the cars around here are appropriately the same identical color as the trim of the hotel. Well, I wonder in this case who mixed the paint first.
The hotel's 8 stories make it the tallest building in the entire Dutch West Indies. It was built several years ago by an American architect at a cost of 5 million dollars and has played a very important part in bringing many more tourists to Aruba.
A band that plays at the hotel is composed of a father and his 7 sons ranging in age from 18 down to only 5 with sometimes even a younger conductor taking over. [[music plays, laughter]]
When the Caribbean moon comes up so do the lights of the hotel's famous casino. And with the turning of the wheels, the guests gather, hoping to see Lady Luck turn in their direction.