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Transcription: [00:32:24]
{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Oh? Alright, wait, I better—

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
Don't handle your scripts.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Well, I couldn't— This has to continue, and I couldn't do this.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
Oh, I see. Alright, then I'll—— [[tape squawk]]


{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Here we were magically transported back to the 12th century, when kings of yore occupied its royal rooms, which have, now have been— Repeat, page 4. [[tape squawk]] This switching the pages is, upsetting me. OK.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
Would you rather take it after 'the fun in Coimbra', does it get you more into the mood of the whole phrase?

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
Your stomach's starting to growl. This is terrible.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Man "}
Do you want to go back to the same place here?

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
I'll start after 'the fun'. After 'the fun in Coimbra' - the paragraph ahead of it.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Man "}

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
After the fun in Coimbra, we went in quest of the inns we had heard so much about, called pousadas. And cradled within the medieval town of Obidos, we discovered the inn to be of all things, a castle.

Although there was little room to spare, our 20th century car did make it through the 12th century gateway, into the medieval town of Braganza.

Here, an aura of antiquity prevailed, with little changed over the centuries. And pre-dating the ancient town itself, a strange dance was being performed in celebration of a plentiful harvest.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
I'd take that again.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
OK, repeat page 7.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
I'm going to start all over.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
——you said *pre*vailed [[accent on "pre"]] and its pre*vail*ed [[accent on "vail"]].

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Repeat, page 7.

Although there was little room to spare, our 20th century car did make it through the 12th century ga——

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Man "}
——Hold please, same place.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}