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Transcription: [00:34:30]
{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Here an aura of antiquity prevailed, with little changed over the centuries. And pre-dating the ancient town itself, a strange dance was being performed in celebration of a plentiful harvest.

No, I still didn't like that. I'm going to repeat again.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
You said *pre*vailed [[accent on "pre"]].

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
I know.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
Ask him if it's *pre*vailed —— isn't it pre*vail*ed ?

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
'Here an aura pre*vail*ed —

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Man "}
Pre*vail*ed, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Pre*vail* - I'm bringing out the 'pre' too much.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
You're saying *pre*vail.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Man "}
Pre*vail*. Same place, 'although' ?

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}

Although there was little room to spare, our 20th century car did make it through the 12th century gateway, into the medieval town of Braganza.

Here an aura of antiquity prevailed, with little changed over the centuries. And pre-dating the ancient town itself, a strange dance was being performed in celebration of a plentiful harvest.

Another dance? Repeat page 7.

Another dance?, for another occasion. It seems the Portuguese take almost every opportunity to celebrate, and this is in anticipation of a wedding.

We were invited to attend the traditional ceremony that united this young couple, but were surprised to find one very untraditional note: the bride wore black!

[[tape skip]]
{SPEAKER name="Unknown Woman "}
Enjoy it, now.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Although there was little room to spare, our 20th century car did make it through the 12th century gateway, into the medieval town of Braganza.

This sport originated when man fought war from horseback, and in order to keep himself and his steed in top form for comback—— Repeat page 9.