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Transcription: [00:04:28]
{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Here even the women's routine chore of putting the fish out to dry creates a tapestry of color and design.

When the men return from the sea, a new tempo takes over. This group of fishermen is headed by Silvino - since he owns the boat and employs the crew, he is called 'Master of the Nets'.

Oxen play an important role in Nazaré, and with their help, the boat is drawn up on the beach. Then Silvino, and his crew, as well as his family and friends, all join in the task of pulling in the fish-laden nets.

With the work completed, Silvino takes a few moments to relax with his family. They share with him the life of the beach, for in Nazaré, all work, and social activity, center along the water.

Their clothing is most unusual. One reason being they have no pockets, so their stocking caps are not only hats, but are quite like a woman's handbag.

Perhaps this is where the saying "keep this under your hat" originated. Their incongruous plaids were said to have been brought here by Scottish troops during the Napoleonic Wars.

It was fascinating to visit the people of Nazaré, and to find their ways have changed so little over the centuries.

We drove on to Coimbra, a city crowned by its 13th century university, which is the first seat of learning in the country, as well as being one of the most important universities in Europe.

Here we found the students have some customs that are most original. For instance, the ribbons they carry tell at a glance their class, and the subject they are majoring in.