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Transcription: [00:08:46]
{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Scattered throughout the country, each Pousada is distinctive in mood and architecture, although one thing is always uniform - the low price of less than four dollars a day for everything.

The most outstanding one is dramatically located 7 miles at sea on the rocky island of Berlenga. Here this isolated old monastery fortress has been ingeniously converted into another enchanting Pousada.

Surrounded by the sea, the views are wonderful - and this view is no exception - well, except for one thing: it's from our own Pousada. The vast stretches of deserted beach provided a perfect place for setting up what we called our portable Pousada.

Complete with icebox, stove, closets, beds - everything needed for light housekeeping - the camper added another enjoyable, as well as most-convenient feature, to our trip through Portugal.

With over 500 miles of coast, this small country has some of the most beautiful beaches to be found in all of Europe.

The sea has always provided Portugal with a richness of life, and one of its bounties is the kelp gathered by these men wearing an unusual form of dress.

As the early Romans were here for many centuries, this could account for the Romanesque tunics still being worn today.

Graceful boats are another means of gathering kelp. On both the prow and the stern there are gay decorations depicting scenes from everyday life, making them what could be called floating galleries of folk art.



Color and drama accompany the sardine fishermens' activities as they set forth to take their share from the sea.

The most exciting form of fishing takes place five miles off the coast, where the giant tuna are caught. Here, a complex series of nets have been laid far below the surface in which the unsuspecting fish are trapped. And as the fishermen pull in the heavy nets, the rhythmic pulse of their primitive chant rings out over the water.