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Transcription: [00:00:08]
{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
It's the tallest structure at Uxmal being 10 stories high and it's called the "Pyramid of the Magician." They say that the magician still lives inside the pyramid and for those daring the climb, he'll often cast his multicolored spell over them.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
But, I think it would take more than just the magic of a rainbow to get me to climb up there.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
But, whether one climbs the pyramid or not, the fascination of Uxmal lingers on through the centuries.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Just 50 miles to the north of Uxmal, like a white oasis in the green jungle, is the city of Merida spreading out under the hot tropical sun. Founded in 1542 on the site of an ancient Mayan city, Merida is not only the capital of the Yucatan, but it's one of the most captivating cities in all of Mexico.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
In fact, when the Mexican tourists themselves from other parts of the country come down here to visit, they say it's like taking a trip abroad.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Merida is especially famous for its colorful carriages called calesas. So, we thought a ride in one would be a good way to explore the city and leave the driving to them.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
We passed the municipal palace noted for it's arched portals and reminiscent of the Moorish architecture found in southern Spain.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Rounding the corner, we came to the Casa Montejo. The first private residence in Mexico. It was built by the Montejo family from Spain who founded the city.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
The facade arrogantly pictures the Spanish standing on the heads of the conquered Mayans. Well, no wonder they vanished from here.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
We continued on out of the main square to investigate the rest of Merida and were very much surprised to find so many rainbow hued houses neatly lining the street.

Transcription Notes:
I believe this is Jeanne Porterfield. Reference Lisa's voice talking about Jeanne here: Note to staff: clip seems to cut off captions a bit prematurely.