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Transcription: [00:08:55]
The principle language spoken here is Ancient Maya, and we thought you'd like to hear just a bit of it.

[[Man speaking Ancient Maya]]

It makes about as much sense as some of the things our politicians say.

[[Crowd laughter]]

The chief's hamlet reflects a simple way of life in this remote jungle area, and here it's the men who are proud of their weaving ability. He's making a new bed, which in this part of the world is always, and only a hammock.

In the gracious Mayan manner, the chief invited us, and all of you, to come and stay as guests in his village. Wouldn't he be surprised if we all took him up on it?

Having had a great experience in this part of the world, we left the Yucatan and headed back up north to the state of Oaxaca, and it's pre-Hispanic ruins of Mitla and Monte Alban.

Here the remains of the Zapotec Mixtec Indian civilization, date back as far as 700 B.C. and as recently as 1932 priceless art treasures and gold jewelry were unearthed here. Considered some of the finest discovered anywhere in the world.

The ruins lie a few miles outside the city of Oaxaca. Dominated by it's cathedral, Oaxaca is one of the oldest cities in southern Mexico.

Smoothly combining the flavors of pre-Hispanic, Colonial, and modern times, Oaxaca is a popular place to visit all year round - but even more so at Christmas time.

Now in the zocalo near the cathedral, religious figures are displayed. And in the marketplace, everyone is getting ready for the holiday season.


The stalls and stands are gaily bedecked with Christmas decorations, as well as floral ornaments, and the people here as everywhere this time of year, are busily doing their Christmas shopping.