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Transcription: [00:16:02]
As is customary, each charro now charges in to introduce himself.

They come in at full gallop, and must stop at a precise point. Well, usually at a precise point.

[[Mariachi music in the background]]
And now a Mariachi band accompanies all of the afternoon's activities.

[[Mariachi music]]

[[Mariachi music in the background]] Now riding bareback at full gallop, Carlos switches from one horse to another, and backwards at that.

[[Mariachi music in the background]]
He's one of only two charros in all of Mexico who could perform the dangerous feat, called the Pass of Death, which climaxes the charriata.

[[Mariachi music]]

30 miles south, the dawn light touches the shores of Lake Chapala with an ethereal beauty.

Early every morning, the local fishermen can be seen around the lake working on their nets.

Lake Chapala is Mexico's largest lake, being 50 miles long and 20 miles wide. But although large, it yields the extremely small, white fish called charales-

-and is considered a great delicacy in the area. And here fishermen bring in nets full of them.