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another institution. Discussion ensued about the possible lack of focus and the extent to which "air" and "space" may be unrelated in terms of readership interests -- both of which may be factors limiting growth in subscriptions. The Secretary concluded discussion by noting that he must hold additional talks with Museum Director Martin Harwit and Publisher Joe Bonsignore before he can report further on these matters.

Corporate Associate Program

Mr. Adams described efforts at planning a Corporate Associate Program through which unrestricted funds would be realized through annual "dues" of $25,000 and $10,000 from corporations taking membership in the program. Work is currently under way on drafting a statement for the need for such funding, as well as the benefits of membership, two aspects of the program which the Regents felt needed particular attention.

The Secretary expressed his gratitude for the efforts of Mrs. Armstrong, Dr. Bowen, and Messrs. Johnson and McHenry in helping him and his staff in outlining the program and identifying potential leadership from the corporate world. He noted that it had been agreed that a short list of particularly noteworthy chief executives should be approached in priority order to fill the position of chairman of the program's corporate committee. Concluding discussion on this matter, the Regents expressed their full endorsement of the Corporate Associate Program initiative and support for the Secretary's appeal for leadership from the nation's top corporate chief executive officers. 

Consideration of Admission Fees, Voluntary Contributions

The Secretary noted that several influential members of Congress have strongly recommended that the Smithsonian consider imposing admission fees for visitors, as is the practice at national parks and elsewhere. He added that the Smithsonian was poised to conduct an experiment in soliciting voluntary