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[[underlined]] DRAFT OF THE FIVE-YEAR PROSPECTUS, FISCAL YEARS 1991-1995 [[/underlined]]

Secretary Adams introduced the following summary of the draft [[underlined]] Five-Year Prospectus, Fiscal Years 1991-1995 [[/underlined]], copies of which had been forwarded to the Regents for their consideration in advance of the meeting. He invited the Regents' comments and suggestions for improvement prior to the January 1990 meeting, when the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] will be submitted to the Regents for approval. Several Regents mentioned their pleasure at the way in which the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] has been improved, noting particularly its more sharply focused approach.

The question arose as to whether more attention should be paid in the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] to planning for the establishment of a new African American Museum on the Mall. Mr. Adams commented that plans could not be meaningfully laid in the absence of a consensus among the Black Caucus and, more generally, African-American scholars and museum professionals. He indicated his intention of continuing to participate in the dialogue without getting ahead of the Congress in this matter.

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General Comments

The [[underlined]] Five-Year Prospectus [[/underlined]] describes the Institution's plans for program emphasis for fiscal years 1991-1995, and for facilities development and refurbishment through fiscal year 1999. It also includes brief descriptions of longer-range potential facility issues carrying into the first decade of the next century. Resource projections associated with program and facility plans build on the Institution's fiscal year 1991 federal budget submission to the Office of Management and Budget, and the trust  budget projections for fiscal years 1990 and 1991 as reviewed and approved by the Board of Regents in September 1989. Institutional management will revise projections as the Regents', Executive Branch, and Congressional budget actions and other information becomes available.

To make the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] a more generally readable document and to expand its usefulness as a publication for diverse audiences, the Institution has reorganized the materials and format of the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] since the last published version in February 1989. Content materials are organized into two volumes.

Volume I contains the Institution's statements of its basic purpose, goals to be achieved over the long term, and areas of operational and