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[[underlined]] Smithsonian-Related Legislation [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] America in Space National Historical Park [[/underlined]] - H.R. 2944, introduced July 20 by Mr. Hefley (R-CO) and referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, provides for the preservation of U.S. space landmarks and artifacts by the Department of the Interior. The bill directs the Smithsonian to assist in the preservation of the historic integrity of affiliated sites; provide technical assistance for site and object preservation and interpretation; and document sites and objects.

[[underlined]] Cooper-Hewitt Museum Expansion and Renovation [[/underlined]] - No action 

[[underlined]] DeSoto Trail Commission Act of 1989 [[/underlined]] - The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing on June eighth and marked up S. 555 on July 19.

[[underlined]] Federal Advisory Committee Amendments [[/underlined]] - No action.

[[underlined]] Indian Remains Reburial [[/underlined]] - No action on legislation introduced by Messrs. Dorgan, Bennett, and Udall.

S. 1021, [[underlined]] the Native American Grave and Burial Protection Act [[/underlined]], introduced May 17 by Senator McCain (R-AZ) requires Federal agencies to undertake a two-year inventory of remains and objects and to disseminate results within one  year. Tribes are to respond within one year. The return of items is required unless acquired by consent or necessary for the completion of scientific study. If retained for study, return is to occur 90 days following study completion; failure to comply would preclude receipt of further Federal funding. The bill also prohibits the sale, use for profit, or interstate transport of material; provides for fines up to $10,000; and authorizes U.S. district courts to enforce provisions.

[[underlined]] National African-American Heritage Memorial Museum [[/underlined]] - The Subcommitteee on Libraries and Memorials of the Committee on House Administration has scheduled a hearing for September 21 on the concept of such a museum on the Mall. Discussion will not be restricted to provisions of pending legislation.

[[underlined]] National Air and Space Museum Extension [[/underlined]] - No action.

[[underlined]] National Biological Diversity Conservation and Environmental Research Act [[/underlined]] - Dr. Lovejoy, Assistant Secretary for External Affairs, testified at at hearing held May 17 by the Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research, and Environment of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. On July 26 the Subcommittee ordered reported to the full Committee an amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 1268. Among its provisions is the establishment within the Smithsonian Institution of a National Center for Biological Diversity and Conservation Research in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency.

[[underlined]] Smithsonian Numismatic Collection [[/underlined]] - No action.

[[underlined]] World Environment Policy Act of 1989 [[/underlined]] - No action.