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Mr. Adams introduced the following proposal to establish the National Council of the National Museum of Natural History and it was 

VOTED that the Board of Regents establishes the National Council of the National Museum of Natural
History and approves the Council's bylaws as proposed.

* * * * *

The National Museum of Natural History staff and the Secretary have felt for some years that some upgrading and redefinition of functions at the management level was needed for the Museum. As a start in this direction McKinsey Company undertook a study, with much staff involvement, which resulted in recommendations which included the setting up of a "national board" ("A Management Agenda," McKinsey Co., 1987). McKinsey Co. considered the national board as a necessary part of the "development enterprise" of the Museum, which they expected could generate $7 million in annual contributions by 1995. The role of the board would be to generate support for the Museum and to advise on matters of policy. To accomplish these goals, board members "should include potential large donors; active senior corporate executives (preferably chief executive officers); and distinguished, articulate scientific spokesmen."

Dr. Talbot, Director of the National Museum of Natural History, has been seeking members from major cities around the country who have shown interest in their local natural history museums or in natural history generally and who have the capability to support and the willingness to commit.

While it has been possible to raise funds for exhibit halls, or scientific and educational activities, solicitation for uncommitted funds which would help pay for fund-raising efforts have fared extremely poorly. The proposed National Council, both through its members' own donations and through its fund-raising committee, is an integral part of the plans to raise unrestricted funds.

The activities of the National Council are described in the proposed bylaws which appear below. The following motion is suggested:

VOTED that the Board of Regents establishes the National Council of the National Museum of Natural
History and approves the Council's bylaws as proposed.

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